地 址 :中国 新疆 乌鲁木齐
时 间 :2014年9月22日-2014年9月27日
承办单位 :会议由中国科学院(cas)新疆生态与地理研究所(xieg)与德国慕尼黑理工大学(tum)联合承办
资助单位:中德科学中心(chinesisch-deutschen zentrum für wissenschaftsf?rderung)、德意志学术交流中心(daad)、德国大众集团(volkswagen group china)
1 气候变化对中国及中亚干旱区的影响
2 人类活动对干旱区的影响
3 环境过程
4 减缓气候变化
5 干旱区水资源管理
6 干旱区生态系统管理(包括生物多样性)
7 干旱区的可持续管理
8 干旱区管理政策
9 干旱区的社会-经济
第1天: 交流报告\成果演示
第2天: 交流报告\成果演示
第3天: 上午墙报展示与交流,下午专题讨论会
第4天: 分组交流
亚博电竞网站的联系方式 电话: 86-991-7671820、 86-991-7671821 49 (0) 89 54 01 420 邮箱:;
the first meecal conference “management of ecosystems and environmental changes in arid lands in central asia”, urumqi, china. from 22nd september to 27th september 2014
the first meecal conference “management of ecosystems and environmental changes in arid lands in central asia” will take place in urumqi, xinjiang province, china from 22nd september to 27th september 2014.
the conference will be organized by the xinjiang institute of ecology and geography (xieg) der chinese academy of sciences (cas), china and the chair of hydrology and river basin management, technische universit?t münchen, germany. it is part of the aim of the center to promote international academic exchange.
the preliminary program is as follows:
day 1 and day 2: presentations
day 3: poster presentations (morning), workshop (afternoon)
day 4: day for your free disposal
day 5: excursion
day 6: excursion
the main topics of the conference are as follows:
1. impact of climate change to arid lands in china and central asia
2. impact of human activities to arid lands
3. environmental processes
4. mitigation of climate change
5. water resources management in arid lands
6. ecosystem management in arid lands (including biodiversity)
7. sustainable management of arid lands
8. policies for the management of arid lands
9. socio-economy in arid lands
more detailed information will be provided soon.
die erste meecal konferenz ?management of ecosystems and environmental changes in arid lands in central asia” in urumqi, china. vom 22. september bis zum 27. september 2014
die erste meecal- konferenz ?management of ecosystems and environmental changes in arid lands in central asia” wird in urumqi, xinjiang-provinz, china vom 22. september bis zum 27. september 2014 stattfinden.
die konferenz wird vom xinjiang institute of ecology and geography (xieg) der chinese academy of sciences (cas), china und dem lehrstuhl für hydrologie und flussgebietsmanagement, technische universit?t münchen, deutschland organisiert.
das vorl?ufige konferenzprogramm sieht wie folgt aus:
tag 1 und tag 2: vortr?ge
tag 3: morgens: posterpr?sentationen, nachmittags: workshop mit diskussion (workshop)
tag 4: tag zur freien verfügung
übergeordnete themen der konferenz sind:
1. impact of climate change to arid lands in china and central asia
2. impact of human activities to arid lands
3. environmental processes
4. mitigation of climate change
5. water resources management in arid lands
6. ecosystem management in arid lands (including biodiversity)
7. sustainable management of arid lands
8. policies for the management of arid lands
9. socio-economy in arid lands
detailliertere information folgt bald.