• 姓名: 裴亮
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 项目研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 18710151743
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: peiliang@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 新疆乌鲁木齐市北京南路818号

    简  历:

  • 教育经历:


  •   担任unibe讲席教授、非常规水利用工程中心副主任、绿色农业中心精准灌溉分中心副主任、陕西理工大学兼职教授/博士生导师、湖北省十堰市竹溪县生态文明建设副总工、国际膜学会jms副秘书长、frontiers in environmental science编委兼客座主编、toxics客座主编、sustainability客座主编、jeph客座主编、国际多个著名期刊特约审稿人、国际水环境iahe理事、国家自然科学基金委专家、北京市科委专家、北京市招投评标专家、生态环境部项目评审专家、水利部项目评审专家、中国水利学会会员、中国地理学会会员、北京市水利学会会员、陕西省水利学会理事等。


  • 水土环境修复及资源化利用


  • 1. 西安理工大学优秀博士学位论文研究基金项目:污水中重金属分离及回收利用新型液膜技术研究,执行期:2008.1-2009.12,经费:5万(负责人) 
    2. 陕西省优秀博士基金项目:杨凌示范区饮用水水源地规划初步方案研究与制定,执行期:2010.1-2011.12,经费:20万(负责人)  
    3. 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题:滨海盐碱地节水灌溉与非常规水利用技术集成研究与示范,执行期:2013.1-2015.12,经费:40万(负责人) 
    4. 新疆重点实验室课题:干旱区生活污水再生滴灌养分运移及对作物的影响研究,执行期:2023.1-2025.12,经费:20万(负责人)
    5. 国家自然科学基金项目:农村生活污水再生利用滴灌养分运移特征及对作物生长的影响,执行期:2012.1-2015.12,经费:26万(负责人) 
    6. 973项目任务:河道洪峰过程洪-床-岸相互作用对作物植被的影响,执行期:2013.8-2016.4,经费:23万(负责人) 
    7. 北京市重大科技专项课题:永定河水源区化肥面源污染防治技术研究与示范,执行期:2015.9-2018.9,经费:48万(负责人)
    8. 张家界世界地质公园地质遗址保护专项:河流泥沙输移特性及其对降水、地形、植被和人类活动的响应,执行期:2014.1-2016.12,经费:7万(负责人) 
    9. 中科院特色研究所培育建设服务课题:土壤与地下水污染修复技术和设备的研发,执行期:2015.1-2018.12,经费:60万(负责人) 
    10. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(a类)子课题3的专题:水环境污染评估,执行期:2018.12-2022.12,经费:180万(负责人)
    11. 中科院自主部署项目:干旱区非常规水处理及资源化利用,执行期:2022.7-2025.7,经费:45万(负责人)
    12. 十四五时期国土空间保护和开发利用战略研究专题:国土空间保护和开发利用战略方案研究,执行期:2019.1-2020.12,经费:10万(负责人)
    13. 中科院大气物理所委托任务:土地利用类型和农作物种植区划制作技术服务,执行期:2018.1-2018.12,经费:4万(负责人) 
    14. 中科院大气物理所委托任务:中国高德地图poi数据获取技术服务,执行期:2018.7-2019.7,经费:3万(负责人)
    15. 新疆“天池英才”引进计划:干旱区非常规水处理及资源化利用,执行期:2023.1-2025.12,经费:90万(负责人)
    16. 煤基生态碳汇技术教育部工程研究中心开放基金:秸秆生物炭协同氧化石墨烯对稀土矿重金属阻控机制研究,执行期:2023.1-2024.12,经费:10万(负责人)
    18. 中国科学院重点部署项目子课题:重金属污染农田修复技术评估及多区域示范验证,执行期:2018.3-2021.10,经费:40万(负责人)


  •     发表论文150余篇(第一或通讯作者100余篇),其中sci论文60余篇(第一或通讯作者40余篇);获得专利授权40余项(第一发明人37项),出版专著3部;获得省部级奖7项(个人4项,第三完成人3项),地市级科学技术奖3项,厅局(校)级奖20余项(均第一完成人);在产学研合作方面,利用专业特长,长期深入基层单位开展合作研究,全面助力区域经济和社会发展,技术示范推广面积上万亩。主持国家自然科学基金等项目20余项,作为科研骨干参与国家重点研发计划,中科院先导专项、国家科技支撑计划项目、中科院重点部署项目、国务院南水北调项目、中央部委委托项目、地方政府委托项目等20余项。
    1.  pei liang, wang liming, guo wei, zhao nan. stripping dispersion hollow fiber liquid membrane containing pc-88a as carrier and hcl for transport behavior of trivalent dysprosium[j]. journal of membrane science, 2011, 378(1-2): 520-530. (sci) 
    2.  pei liang, wang liming. study on supported combined liquid membrane containing heh(eh)p and hno3 for trivalent gadolinium transfer[j]. chinese chemical letters, 2011, 22(9): 1095-1098. (sci)
    3.  pei liang, wang liming, guo wei, zhao nan. separation of gd(iii) with renewal supported liquid membrane system containing d2ehpa as carrier[j]. acta chimica sinica, 2011, 69(13): 1553-1558. (sci) 
    4.  pei liang, wang liming, guo wei. separation of samarium through facilitated stripping dispersion hollow fiber liquid membrane using p204 as mobile carrier [j]. chinese journal of chemistry, 2011, 29: 1233-1238. (sci) 
    5.  pei liang, yao binghua, wang liming, ma zhanying, liu min. tb(iii) transport in dispersion supported liquid membrane system with d2ehpa as carrier in kerosene[j]. chemical research in chinese universities, 2011, 27(1): 132-139. (sci) 
    6.  pei liang, wang liming, yu guoqiang. separation of eu(iii) with supported dispersion liquid membrane system containing d2ehpa as carrier and hno3 solution as stripping solution[j]. journal of rare earths, 2011, 29(1): 7-14. (sci)
    7.  pei liang, wang liming, fu xinglong. separation of eu3 using a novel dispersion combined liquid membrane with p507 in kerosene as the carrier[j]. chinese journal of chemical engineering, 2011, 19(1): 33-39. (sci) 
    8.  pei liang, yao binghua, wang liming, zhao nan, liu min. transport of tb3 in dispersion supported liquid membrane system with carrier p507[j]. chinese journal of chemistry, 2010, 28(5): 839-846. (sci) 
    9.  pei liang, yao binghua, zhang chenjie. transport of tm(iii) through dispersion supported liquid membrane containing pc-88a in kerosene as the carrier[j]. separation and purification technology, 2009, 65(2): 220-227. (sci) 
    10.  pei liang, yao binghua, fu xinglong. study on transport of dy(iii) by dispersion supported liquid membrane[j]. journal of rare earths, 2009, 27(3): 447-456. (sci) 
    11.  pei liang, wang liming, guo wei. stripping dispersion hollow fiber liquid membrane containing carrier pc-88a and hno3 for the extraction of sm3 [j]. chinese chemical letters. 2012, 23: 101-104. (sci) 
    12.  pei liang, wang liming. transport behavior of divalent lead ions through disphase supplying supported liquid membrane with pc-88a as mobile carrier[j]. international journal of chemical reactor engineering, 2012, 10: 1-27. (sci) 
    13.  pei liang, wang liming, yu guoqiang. study on a novel flat renewal supported liquid membrane with d2ehpa and hydrogen nitrate for neodymium extraction[j]. journal of rare earths. 2012, 30(1): 63-68. (sci) 
    14.  pei liang, wang liming, guo wei, zhao nan. study on a novel disphase supplying supported liquid membrane for transport behavior of divalent nickel ions[j]. chinese journal of chemical engineering. 2012, 20(4): 633-640.(sci) 
    15.  pei liang, wang liming, guo wei. modelling of ce(iv) transport through a dispersion supported liquid membrane including p204 as the carrier[j]. desalination and water treatment. 2013, 51(10-12), 2193-2201.(sci) 
    16.  pei liang, wang liming, ma zhanying. modelling of ce(iv) transport through a dispersion combined liquid membrane with carrier p507[j]. frontiers of environmental science & engineering, 2014, 8(4): 503–509 (sci)
    17.  pei liang, wang liming, guo wei, zhao nan.recovery and extraction of tetravalence cerium with stripping renewal hollow fiber liquid membrane[j]. rare metal materials and engineering. 2012, 41(s2): 632-635. (sci) 
    18.  pei, l.; wang, l. migration of trivalent praseodymium from tombarthite sewage by microtubule ultrafiltration reactor with organophosphorus in fuel oil. int. j. environ. res. public health 2022, 19,9364. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159364. (sci)
    19.   pei, l.; sun, l. impact factors on migration of molybdenum(vi) from the simulated trade effluent using membrane chemical reactor combined with carrier in the mixed renewal solutions. toxics 2022, 10, 438. doi.org/10.3390/toxics10080438. (sci)
    20.   pei, l.; wang, c.; sun, l.; wang, l. temporal and spatial variation (2001–2020) characteristics of wind speed in the water erosion area of the typical black soil region, northeast china. int. j. environ. res. public health 2022, 19, 10473. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710473. (sci)
    21.   pei, l.; wang, c.; sun, l. effects of unconventional water agricultural utilization on the heavy metals accumulation in typical black clay soil around the metallic ore. toxics 2022, 10, 476. doi.org/10.3390/toxics10080476. (sci)
    22.   pei, l.; xiao, j.; sun, l. the effects of reclaimed water irrigation on the soil characteristics and microbial populations of plant rhizosphere. environmental science and pollution research,2021, 29(12):17570-17579. (sci)
    23.   pei, l.; wang.l. influence factor of pr(iii) recovery kinetics from rare-earth simulant wastewater by pan microtubule hyperfiltration reactor. int. j. chem. react. eng. 2022,9: 1311. doi.org/10.1515/ijcre-2022-0137. (sci)
    24.   pei, l.; wang, c.; zuo, y.; liu, x.; chi, y. impacts of land use on surface water quality using self-organizing map in middle region of the yellow river basin, china. int. j. environ. res. public health 2022, 19, 17. doi.10.3390/ijerph191710946. (sci)
    25.   pei, l.; wang, c. removal of neodymium(iii) from wastewater using microtube ultrafiltration chemical reactor with organic phosphate. desalination and water treatment.2022.doi:10.5004/dwt.2022.28741.(sci)
    26.   pei, l.; duo, j.; chu, l. removal of polytungstate from mine wastewater using a flat renewal membrane reactor with n1633 as a carrier. int. j. environ. res. public health 2022, 19, 11092. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191711092.(sci)
    27.  pei, l. effects of metallic ion distribution in non-traditional water agricultural applications in sandy loam in an arid area. sustainability. 2022, 14, 11080. doi.org/10.3390/su141711080.(sci)
    28.  pei, l. dislodging dichromate in mine slops applying flat supplying membrane equipment containing carrier n235/7301. membranes. 2022, 12, 880. doi.org/10.3390/membranes12090880. (sci)
    29.  pei, l.; sun, l. study on di-phase membrane device with dz272(ddd) for purification behavior of divalent cobalt ions in slops. toxics 2022, 10, 546. doi.org/10.3390/toxics10090546. (sci)
    30.  liu, t.; yang, f.; wang, l.; pei, l.*; hu, y.; li, r.; hou, k.;ren, t. synergistic ffect of charge separation and multiple reactive oxygen species generation on boosting photocatalytic degradation of fluvastatin by znin2s4/bi2wo6 z-scheme heterostructured photocatalytst. toxics 2022, 10, 555. doi.org/10.3390/toxics10100555. (sci)
    31.  lu shibao, pei liang, bai xiao. study on method of domestic wastewater treatment through new-type multi-layer artificial wetland[j]. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2015, 40: 11207 -11214. (sci)
    32.  lu shibao, pei liang. a study on phenol migration by coupling the liquid membrane in the ionic liquid[j]. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2016, 41: 15724-15732. (sci)
    33.  lu shibao, pei liang.a study of zinc borne waste water treatment with dispersion supported liquid membrane[j]. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2016,41:15717-15723. (sci)
    34.  wang liming, yao binghua, pei liang, cheng gang. preparation of ruthenium-doped tio2/ti photoelectrodes and photoelectrocatalytic performance[j]. rare metal materials and engineering, 2010, 39(7):1240-1243. (sci)
    35.  lu shibao, zhang xiaoling, pei liang. influence of drip irrigation by reclaimed water on the dynamic change of the nitrogen element in soil and tomato yield and quality[j]. journal of cleaner production, 2016, 139: 561-566. (sci)
    36.  wang jianhua, lu shibao, pei liang. study on rules of dynamic variation of nitrogen in soil after reclaimed water drip irrigation[j]. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2016, 41: 15938-15943. (sci)
    37.  sun liying, ma bingjuan,pei liang,zhang xiaohang,john l.zhou.the relationship of human activities and rainfall induced landslide and debris flow hazards in central china[j]. natural hazards,2021,107:147-169. (sci)
    38.  lu shibao, wang jianhua, pei liang. study on the effects of irrigation with reclaimed water on the content and distribution of heavy metals in soil[j]. int. j. environ. res. public health, 2016, 13, 298-310. (sci)
    39.  xu m,  bai x,  pei liang, pan h. a research on application of water treatment technology for reclaimed water irrigation[j]. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2016, 41(35): 15930-15937. (sci)
    40.  liu ronghao, kang yuehu, pei liang, wan shuqin. use of a new controlled-loss-fertilizer to reduce nitrogen losses during winter wheat cultivation in the danjiangkou reservoir area of china[j]. communications in soil science & plant analysis, 2016:1-11. (sci)
    1. 裴 亮. 多孔毛细管式分散支撑液膜分离回收装置,2011-10-05(授权号:cn 201120072132.7) 
    2. 裴 亮. 生活污水选择性循环利用装置,2011-10-05(授权号:cn 201120072130.8) 
    3. 裴 亮,颜 明,韩冬梅,于国强,王理明. 一种采用活性炭的生活污水处理及再生利用装置,2011-11-30 (授权号:cn 201120490093.2) 
    4. 裴 亮,陈秀龙,颜 明,于国强,王理明. 一种人工湿地再生水循环利用装置,2011-11-30 (授权号:cn 201120490072.0) 
    5. 裴 亮,颜 明,韩冬梅,于国强,王理明. 一种同轴圆台花园生活污水处理和循环利用装置,2011-11-30 (授权号:cn 201120490505.2) 
    6. 裴 亮,刘荣豪,韩冬梅,于国强,王理明. 一种农村生活污水集中处理再生利用装置, 2011-12-05 (授权号:cn 201120501380.9) 
    7. 裴 亮,赵 楠,颜 明,王理明,于国强. 一种流动大块液膜分离回收重金属的装置, 2011-12-05 (授权号:cn 201120501623.9) 
    8. 裴 亮,赵 楠,于国强,王理明. 一种人字型大块液膜回收重金属的装置, 2011-12-05 (授权号:cn 201120501834.2) 
    9. 姚秉华, 裴 亮,赵楠, 余晓皎, 付兴隆. 一种重稀土金属的混合载体分散支撑液膜分离回收方法(专利号:200910022410.5; 公开号:cn101560612a)
    10. 姚秉华, 裴 亮,钟晶晶, 王爽, 余晓皎. 一种重金属的离子液体大块液膜分离回收方法(专利号:200910022546.6; 公开号:cn101560604a)
    11. 姚秉华, 付兴隆, 吴小宁, 余晓皎, 裴 亮. 一种重金属的分散支撑液膜分离回收方法(专利号:200810018328.0; 公开号:cn101284212a)




  • 1. 省部级表彰5项: 
    (5)中国水行业最高荣誉“大禹奖”二等奖(排名第三) ;
    2. 厅局(校)级表彰: 
    (5)2008年9月,ei文章“la(iii) transport in dispersion supported liquid membrane including pc-88a as the carrier and hcl solution as the stripping solution”获校级“优秀论文”奖(第一);
    (6)2009年9月,sci文章“transport of tm(iii) through dispersion supported liquid membrane containing pc-88a in kerosene as the carrier”获校级“优秀论文”奖(第一);
    (7)2010年9月,sci文章“study on transport of dy(iii) by dispersion supported liquid membrane”获校级“优秀论文”奖(第一);