• 姓名: 姜黎
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 0991-7823189
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: jiangli@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 新疆乌鲁木齐市北京南路818号

    简  历:

  • 姜黎,男,理学博士,出生于1980年,河南沈丘人。













  • 植物逆境生理生态与土壤修复




  • 1jiang li#, she chaowen#, tian changyan, tanveer mohsin, wang lei*. storage period and different abiotic factors regulate seed germination of two apocynum species - cash crops in arid saline regions in central asia. frontiers in plant science, 2021

    2 gao wenhui, gao ke, hao zongguo, liu yuan*, jiang li*, liu cheng, li xiaoyu, wang guangli. different responses of soil bacterial and fungal communities to 3 years of biochar amendment in an alkaline soybean soil[j]. frontiers in microbiology, 2021, (*通信作者)

    3 jiang li, wang lei*, mohsin tanveer, tian changyan. high and differential strontium tolerance in germinating dimorphic seeds of salicornia europaea[j]. seed science and technology, 2020, 48(2): 231-239.

    4 jiang li, wang lei*, baskin carol c, tian changyan, huang zhenying*. maternal effects on seed heteromorphism: a dual dynamic bet hedging strategy[j]. seed science research, 2019, 29:149-153.

    5 jiang li, wang lei*, mohsin tanveer, tian changyan. lithium biofortification of medicinal tea apocynum venetum. scientific reports,.

    6 jiang li, wang lei*, zhang lei, tian changyan. tolerance and accumulation of lithium in apocynum pictum schrenk[j]. peerj, 2018, 6: e5559.

    7 jiang li, wang lei*, zhang ke, tian changyan. copper-induced similar changes in growth and physiological responses of plants grown from dimorphic seeds of suaeda slasa[j]. pakistan journal of botany, 2018, 50(3): 871-877.

    8 jiang li, tian changyan, wang lei*. high lithium tolerance of apocynum venetum seeds during germination[j]. environmental science and pollution research, 2018, 25(5): 5040-5046.

    9 jiang li, wang lei*, zhao zhen-yong, tian changyan. foliar-spraying exogenous glycinebetaine improves photosynthesis and leaf growth in apocynum venetum seedlings under salt stress[j]. oxidation communications, 2015, 38(1a): 347-356.

    10 jiang li, wang lei*, mu shu-yong, tian changyan*. apocynum venetum: a newly found lithium accumulator[j]. flora, 2014, 209(5-6): 285-289.

    11 jiang li, shi gangrong, ding yulong, lou lanqing*, cai qinsheng*. differential responses of two bamboo species (phyllostachys auresulcata 'spectabilis' and pleioblastus chino 'hisauchii') to excess copper[j]. bioenergy research, 2013, 6(4):1223-1229.

    12 jiang li, wang lei*, yin chuanhua, tian changyan*. differential salt tolerance and similar responses to nitrogen availability in plants grown from dimorphic seeds of suaeda salsa[j]. flora, 2012, 207(8): 565-571.

    13 hao zhang, hu mingfang, ma hongyuan, jiang li, zhao zhenyong, ma jinbiao, lei wang. differential responses of dimorphic seeds and seedlings to abiotic stresses in the halophyte suaeda salsa[j]. frontiers in plant science, 2021, 12: 630338.

    14 yang jiale, zhang lixiang, jiang li, zhan yaguang, fan guizhi. quercetin alleviates seed germination and growth inhibition in apocynum venetum and apocynum pictum under mannitol-induced osmotic stress[j]. , 2021, 159: 268-276. 

    15 wang lei, wang xu, jiang li, mohsin tanveer, zhang ke, tian changyan, zhao zhenyong. reclamation of saline soil by planting annual euhalophyte suaeda salsa with drip irrigation: a three-year field experiment in arid northwestern china[j]. ecological engineering, 2021, 159: 106090.

    16 zhang hao, jiang li, tanveer mohsin, ma jinbiao, zhao zhenyong, wang lei. indexes of radicle are sensitive and effective for assessing copper and zinc tolerance in germinating seeds of suaeda salsa[j]. agriculture -basel, 2020, 10(10): 445. 

    17 zhao chun-xiang, jiang li, shi xiang, wang lei. mucilage inhibits germination of desert ephemeral nepeta micrantha under moderate osmotic stress and promotes recovery after release of this stress[j]. seed science and technology, 2020, 48(1): 21-25.

    18 wang lei, ma ganglong, wang hongling, cheng chao, mu shuyong, quan weili, jiang li, zhao zhenyong, zhang yu, zhang ke, wang xuelian, tian changyan, zhang yi. a draft genome assembly of halophyte suaeda aralocaspica, a plant that performs c4 photosynthesis within individual cells[j]. gigascience, 2019, 8(9): giz116.

    19 liu xiaoyu, liu cheng, gao wenhui, xue chen, guo zonghao, jiang li, li feng, liu yuan. impact of biochar amendment on the abundance and structure of diazotrophic community in an alkaline soil[j]. science of the total environment, 2019, 688: 944-951.

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    22 liu guofang, wang lei, jiang li, pan xu, huang zhenying, dong ming, johannes h.c. cornelissen. specific leaf area predicts dryland litter decomposition via two mechanisms[j]. journal of ecology, 2017, 106(1): 218-229.

    23 wang lei, jiang li, zhao zhenyong, tian changyan. lithium content of some teas and their infusions consumed in china[j]. food science and biotechnology, 2014, 23(1): 323-325.

    24 wang hongling, tian changyan, jiang li, wang lei. remediation of heavy metals contaminated saline soils: a halophyte choice[j]? environmental science and technology, 2014, 48(1):21-22.

    25 雷春英,彭钼植, 张科, 吉小敏, 陈怡彤,姜黎*.  盐生药用植物黑果枸杞研究进展[j]. , 55-60. (cscd)

    26 姜黎, 刘畅, 司雨, 吉小敏, 田长彦. 不同类型盐分对刚毛柽柳种子萌发特性的影响[j]. 中国野生植物资源, 2021, 40(4): 22-27. (cscd)

    27 雷春英, 张丹丹, 张浩, 吉小敏, 姜黎*. 温度、盐分和光照对濒危植物盐桦(belula halophila)种子萌发特性的影响[j]. , 2020, 39(11): 39-43. (cscd)

    28 王伟华, 姜黎*. 四种钠盐胁迫对野榆钱菠菜种子萌发特性和幼苗生长的影响[j]. 42(6): 23-29(cscd).

    29 雷春英, 王雷, 吉小敏,  姜黎*. 国家二级珍稀濒危植物盐桦研究进展[j]. 江苏农业科学, 2019, 47(24):16-19.

    30 李莉, 张科, 何明才, 姜黎*. 不同盐浓度对4个品种番茄种子萌发和幼苗芽长的影响[j]. 北方园艺, 2019, (24):1-6.

    31 姜黎, 张垒, 田长彦. 罗布麻资源研究进展及其保育与开发利用[j]. 江苏农业科学, 2018, 46(18):17-21.

    32 姜黎, 郑银, 刘国军, 王波, 田长彦. 果园间作模式下杏树与苜蓿的根系分布和土壤理化性质研究[j]. 西北植物学报, 2017,37(12): 2489-2495. (cscd)

    33 姜黎, 郑银, 王平, 刘国军. 刈割对杏树间作的紫花苜蓿根系和土壤理化性质的影响[j]. 北方园艺, 2017, 41(24):123-128.

    34 张李香, 王海燕, 于忠洋, 姜黎, 范桂枝. 罗布麻产黄酮悬浮细胞培养体系的建立[j]. 时珍国医国药, 2020, 31(4): 945-947.

    35 雷春英, 吴明, 姜黎, 吉小敏. 草方格沙障内无灌溉种植罗布麻固沙试验研究[j]. 防护林科技, 2020, (1): 5-7.

    36 刘咏梅, 程聪, 姜黎, 於丙军. nacl胁迫下3种柽柳属植物生长、盐离子分布和sos1基因相对表达量的比较[j]. 植物资源与环境学报, 2019, 28(1): 1-9.

    37 王雷, 姜黎, 田长彦. 盐分对异子蓬异型性种子植株生长和矿质营养的影响[j]. 干旱区研究, 2018, 35(3): 510-514.

    38 张宏祥, 张明理, 桂东伟, 姜黎. 新疆核桃4个栽培品种及野生种的遗传多样性分析[j]. 植物资源与环境学报, 2017, 26( 2):10-16.

    39 李志国, 张润花, 赖冬梅, 闫正跃, 姜黎, 田长彦. 膜下滴灌对新疆棉田生态系统净初级生产力、土壤异氧呼吸和co2净交换通量的影响[j]. 应用生态学报, 2012, 23(4): 1018-1024.



