发表sci论文60余篇。其中,以第一/通讯作者发表sci论文25篇。被bulletin of chinese academy of sciences作为成果亮点 (highlights) 进行了两期专门报道。
[1].li z, chen yn, shen yj, et al., analysis of changing pan evaporation in the arid region of northwest china[j]. water resources research, 2013, 49(4): 2205-2212.
[2].li z, chen yn, li wh, et al., potential impacts of climate change on vegetation dynamics in central asia[j]. journal of geophysical research, 2015, 120: 12345-12356.
[3].li z, chen yn, wang y, et al., dynamic changes in terrestrial net primary production and their effects on evapotranspiration[j]. hydrology and earth system sciences, 2016, 20(6): 2169-2178.
[4].li z., chen yn, zhang qf, et al., spatial patterns of vegetation carbon sinks and sources under water constraint in central asia[j]. journal of hydrology, 2020, 590: 125355.
[5].li z, fang gh, chen yn, et al., agricultural water demands in central asia under 1.5°c and 2.0°c global warming[j]. agricultural water management, 2020, 231(31): 106020.