• 姓名: 高鑫
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 研究生/博士
  • 电话: 0991-7823138
  • 传真: 0991-7885320
  • 电子邮件: gaoxin@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 乌鲁木齐市北京南路818号

    简  历:

  • 高鑫,男,研究员,博士生导师。19849月出生于陕西省榆林市,毕业于法国巴黎地球物理学院, 环境与地球科学专业。现为中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所国家荒漠-绿洲生态建设工程技术研究中心副主任。2016年入选新疆自治区引进高层次人才天池计划-“全职创新人才主要研究方向为风沙物理和沙漠化防治。主要以风沙互馈作用、沙丘发育机理、风沙灾害形成机制、防沙治沙措施为研究核心,以数值模拟和数理推导为主要研究手段并结合野外观测和遥感反演研究了不同类型沙丘的发育模式和形态动力学机制;基于gee平台和机器学习方法,开发了快速、准确的沙漠化评价算法,对蒙古共和国、非洲撒赫拉地区、亚欧大陆干旱带沙漠化进行了精确评价。目前主持中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(a 类)子课题、中国科学院一带一路专项、国家自然科学基金项目、省部级课题等多项。在geologyjournal of geophysical researchgeophysical research lettersgeomorphologyinternational journal of geographical information scienceaeolian research等期刊发表学术文章30余篇。陆续应邀为journal of geophysical researchgeomorphologyland degradation & developmentaeolian researchatmospheric researchscience of the total environmentjournal of soils and sediments等期刊审稿。现为journal of arid land 编委和《中国沙漠》青年编委。 



  • 风沙物理和沙漠化防治


    1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41971017,塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘不同形态沙丘局地共存的发育机制研究,2020-012023-1262万元,主持 
    2. 中国科学院a类战略性先导科技专项子课题,xda20030102,沙漠油气田/绿洲城镇防风固沙技术研发与集成示范,2018-032023-021025万元,主持 
    3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,41861144020,毛里塔尼亚风沙灾害形成机制及治理模式研究,2019-012023-12261万元,主持 
    4. 新疆维吾尔自治区组织部,自治区高层次人才引进工程项目,y742071001,风成沙丘形成发育的自组织机制及在风沙防治中的应用,2017-012020-0640万元,主持 
    5. 中国科学院一带一路专项,亚欧大陆干旱带荒漠化研究, 2018-01-2020-12, 经费,183万元,主持 


    1. gao, x*., narteau, c., & gadal, c. (2021). migration of reversing dunes against the sand flow path as a singular expression of the speed-up effect. journal of geophysical research: earth surface, 126, e2020jf005913. 
    2. gao, x*., gadal, c., rozier, o., and narteau, c. ( 2018). morphodynamics of barchan and dome dunes under variable wind regimes. geology, 46: 743-746. 
    3. gao, x*., c. narteau and gadal, c. migration of reversing dunes against the sand flow path as a singular expression of the speed-up effect. journal of geophysical research: earth surface, 2021, accepted. 
    4. gao, x*., c. narteau, and rozier o. (2015). development and steady states of transverse dunes: a numerical analysis of dune pattern coarsening and giant dunes. journal of geophysical research: earth surface, 120: 2200-2219. 
    5. gao, x*., narteau, c., and rozier, o. (2016).controls on and effects of armoring and vertical sorting in aeolian dune fields: a numerical simulation. geophysical research letters, 43: 2614-2622. 
    6. gao, x*., c. narteau, o. rozier, and s. courrech du pont. phase diagram of dune shape and orientation depending on sand availability. scientific reports, 2015, 5: 14677. 
    7. gao, x., d. zhang, o. rozier, and narteau, c*. transport capacity and saturation mechanism in a real-space cellular automaton dune model. advances in geosciences, 2014, 37: 47-55. 
    8. zhao, y., gao, x*., lei, j., li, s., & zhou, n. (2019). interactions between paleochannels and aeolian processes and their implications on aeolian dune patterns. geomatics, natural hazards and risk, 10(1), 1176-1192. doi: 10.1080/19475705.2019.156831. 
    9. song, q., gao, x*., lei, j., & li, s. (2019). spatial distribution of sand dunes and their relationship with fluvial systems on the southern margin of the taklimakan desert, china. geomatics, natural hazards and risk, 10(1), 2408-2428. 
    10. zhao, y., gao, x*., lei, j., li, s., cai, d., song, q. (2019). effects of wind velocity and nebkha geometry on shadow dune formation. journal of geophysical research, 124, 2579–2601. doi: 10.1029/2019jf005199. 
    11. meng, x., gao, x*., li, s., & lei, j. (2020). spatial and temporal characteristics of vegetation ndvi changes and the driving forces in mongolia during 1982–2015. remote sensing, 12(4), 603. doi:10.3390/rs12040603. 
    12. wu, s., gao, x*., lei, j., zhou, n. & wang, y. (2020). spatial and temporal changes in the normalized difference vegetation index and their driving factors in the desert/grassland biome transition zone of the sahel region of africa. remote sensing, 12, 4119. 
    13. zhao, y., gao, x*., lei, j., li, s. (2020). nebkha alignments and their implications for shadow dune elongation under unimodal wind regime. geomorphology, 365, 107250. 
    14. zhao, y., gao, x*., lei, j., li, s., & zhou, n. (2020). field measurements of turbulent flow structures over a nebkha. geomorphology, 375, 10755. 
    15. yang, z., gao, x*., lei, j. (2021). fuzzy comprehensive risk evaluation of aeolian disasters in xinjiang, northwest china. aeolian research, 48, 100647. 
    16. song, q., gao, x*., du, h., lei, j., li, s., li, s. (2021). cultivation impacts on soil texture during oasis expansion in xinjiang, northwest china: wind erosion effects. aeolian research, 50, 100646. 
    17. meng, x., gao, x*., li, s., & lei, j. (2021): development of a multiscale discretization method for the geographical detector model. international journal of geographical information science, doi: 10.1080/13658816.2021.1884686. 
    18. meng, x., gao, x*., sen l., shengyu l. & jiaqiang l. (2021) monitoring desertification in mongolia based on landsat images and google earth engine from 1990 to 2020. ecological indicators, 129, 107908. 


